Four McAllister Generations
From Left: Harry, Grace, Francy, Betsy, Grandpop (Harry Sr.), Josh, Grandmom (Margie), Heidi and John.
From Left: Harry, Grace, Francy, Betsy, Grandpop (Harry Sr.), Josh, Grandmom (Margie), Heidi and John.
With John's dad, Harry, you hear the whole history of the family. On the way from the airport, we passed a bridge where John's ancestor fought during the revolutionary war. An ancestor of John's ran a Room and Board house with a tavern (see above picture). His name was Jacob Ware, which is on Grandpop's side of the family. I also saw where Harry's grandfather lived and where Harry grew up and went to school. John's Grandpop has not moved more than a two mile radius during his life. His Grandmom has always lived in Cumberland County. Many McAllisters populate the area.
I grew up on a farm that has been in my family for five generations and have always been interested in the history of the farm and family. There is something about the history in south jersey that is different for me than from learning about my family history. I can't figure out if it is the length of history: being in the revolutionary war and the civil war and everything in between, or if it is the fact that it is all brand new to me. Either way, I loved hearing the stories.
I look forward to the next time we go back. The area is like stepping back in time. So many houses are still in tact from the late 1700s or 1800s. And still beautiful. I would love a tour or even to live in one. Although, both John and his parents recommended that I not live in one.
It was a beautiful trip with a wedding, history, family and much, much laughter. My kind of weekend.