Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Women United

$50,000! The power of women.

As I looked around at the many bodies that filled the room last night, I was amazed at the way each co-host stepped up and raised a small amount of money, but made a big impact! 200 women co-hosts each raised $250 for the Minnesotans United for All Families, which is the organization working to defeat the marriage amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman.

The room buzzed with meaningful conversation. One could tell that the women in the room were thoughtful, caring, and determined. I am so lucky to be cosponsoring with so many amazing, beautiful women.

One thing I love about the Minnesotans United for All Families Campaign is that it is about a journey, it is about the dialogue, in addition to the amendment. It is not a secret to anyone in this country that our political system is so polarized. I am exhausted from hearing about how polarized it is. I am exhausted by the partisanship. I am so tired of the apathy and lack of care for one another.

Tonight, there was hope. There was hope for working together, there was hope that people still care for one another, there was hope that it is still our democracy and that we have a voice!

Thanks to those who support this work, both financially, with time, and with conversation. Let love abide! Vote No, Don't limit the freedom to marry!

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