Sunday, July 31, 2011


I have a hard time sitting still. I always need to be doing something: cleaning, organizing, reading, doing a craft project, gardening, taking care of something, running, spending time with someone; the list could do on and on....

With John gone this morning, the garden weeded, the house cleaned after hosting a party yesterday. I am sitting still on my deck. Everything is so still. The wind is not blowing, Bear is sleeping, the world has not arisen to make noise. I am looking out at my garden and watching a bee buzz around my coneflowers. Isn't this the way God intended life to be? Peaceful, simple, and beautiful.

Summer flies by so fast as there is so much to do, like biking, bbqs, and more. This past week, I had a commitment every night. This is the tension in my life: to have connection and be with people as I seek community yet have a simple life. When I make too many commitments, then I want my life to slow down and be simple. But when my life gets too simple, I make too many commitments. I don't think this will ever be resolved. I want the best of both worlds, but this morning, I am content to drink coffee, sit on my deck, read, and play with my puppy in the stillness and quiet of the day.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Minnesota Style

Ahhhh. That is how I felt today. Nowhere to go, no agenda, no time constraints.

Summer has been flying by with John and I booked solid with many adventures. Don't get me wrong, I loved traveling up north to a cabin and to New Jersey for a wedding. I loved bbqs, Spanish and Chilean wine parties, Twins games, Caleb ball games, and many other adventures. I also enjoyed going to Omaha since I have never been there before John's family reunion weekend.

Have a weekend with zero plans is lovely and this has been so good. It was perfect for the body and the soul. I love taking advantage of summer in the city - being in the garden, three hour bike rides, fresh homemade food, eating on our deck outside. Today, dawned a sunny and bright day, with a breakfast of huevos rancheros made by John, which aren't so Minnesotan, but still so good. John always laughs at me because I made a lot of noises while eating (mmmm....ooooo, you get the picture).

After breakfast, John and I enjoyed a three hour bike ride along the river, into Minneapolis, under Target Field, down the Midtown Greenway, past a bike event, and ending with a salted caramel ice cream cone at Izzy's.

The afternoon was spent watching the Twins lose on TV, but it as a good game. Cleaning up the house, and preparing for dinner. Dinner was amazing! The perfect day ended with the fresh fig, arugula, mozzarella, chives, and tomato homemade pizza.

With a sunned and tired body, I go to bed with a smile on my face and happy to have summer here to enjoy.