Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Minnesota Style

Ahhhh. That is how I felt today. Nowhere to go, no agenda, no time constraints.

Summer has been flying by with John and I booked solid with many adventures. Don't get me wrong, I loved traveling up north to a cabin and to New Jersey for a wedding. I loved bbqs, Spanish and Chilean wine parties, Twins games, Caleb ball games, and many other adventures. I also enjoyed going to Omaha since I have never been there before John's family reunion weekend.

Have a weekend with zero plans is lovely and this has been so good. It was perfect for the body and the soul. I love taking advantage of summer in the city - being in the garden, three hour bike rides, fresh homemade food, eating on our deck outside. Today, dawned a sunny and bright day, with a breakfast of huevos rancheros made by John, which aren't so Minnesotan, but still so good. John always laughs at me because I made a lot of noises while eating (mmmm....ooooo, you get the picture).

After breakfast, John and I enjoyed a three hour bike ride along the river, into Minneapolis, under Target Field, down the Midtown Greenway, past a bike event, and ending with a salted caramel ice cream cone at Izzy's.

The afternoon was spent watching the Twins lose on TV, but it as a good game. Cleaning up the house, and preparing for dinner. Dinner was amazing! The perfect day ended with the fresh fig, arugula, mozzarella, chives, and tomato homemade pizza.

With a sunned and tired body, I go to bed with a smile on my face and happy to have summer here to enjoy.

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