Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Working Woman

This past fall, I have officially been in the adult workforce for 10 years!  I can remember when I started my first jobs how young I felt, how unequipped, but not wanting to show that I was so naive. Now, what I realize 10 years later, I have learned some things, have some experience, and still have a lot more to learn. My "career" has included everything from determining parenting goals with women fleeing domestic violence at the age of 24, to working with youth in congregations, to leading an Interfaith group to end homelessness in our community.

"Is the life I am living the same as the life that wants to live in me?" A few years ago, I read Parker Palmer's book Let Your Life Speak, which is where the quote is from above. Palmer's book was one of the most helpful books in terms of thinking about our work as vocation (a Lutheran word, described by Palmer as where one's gifts meets the world's deepest needs) . Palmer worked a variety of different jobs, but they never felt quite right. It was well into his adulthood that he realized that writing was a love that he could pursue as his vocation. He has written beautiful books.

Where do my gifts meet the world's great needs? Having shelter is a world need, but is it where I can best be used?

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